center for smile enhancement


Be Better Than Ever Before


Beautiful Bodies, Faces,
and Smiles



Dermal Fillers and Neuromodulator Injectables

When refreshing a smile, not only are the form and function of the teeth considered, a patient’s health, age, skin tone, face shape, and lip structure are also contributors to a healthy, attractive, and natural-looking smile. 

Since the areas framing the teeth and mouth are well within the scope and expertise of dentistry, dermal fillers and neuromodulator injectables (Botox and Dysport) are now big players in therapeutic dental procedures for chronic clenching or grinding of teeth and facial pain. They're also used for aesthetics to improve a "gummy" smile and high lip, reduce facial folds and wrinkles, and augment lips. Best of all, the procedures are short, the results can be remarkable, and there’s no downtime afterward. Safe, cost-effective, and practical—these injectable products are a natural fit for both facial rejuvenation and cosmetic dentistry.

Viora Radiofrequency Technology

Harnessing radiofrequency (RF) and pulsed-light technology, Viora is the future wave in therapeutics and aesthetics. It's well known for the successful treatment of TMJ and facial pain, along with stimulating collagen production, body contouring, skin tightening, and resolving skin issues, such as hyperpigmentation, acne, cellulite, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Skincare Products

Also available at Masterpiece Aesthetics is a carefully selected variety of medical skincare products that support lasting effects of our cosmetic procedures.

Call for a free consultation



Non-invasive cosmetic procedures are typically quick and simple and can be scheduled in conjunction with routine dental visits.


before and after treatment

  • What causes facial fine lines and wrinkles?

    They're all a natural part of aging as the skin becomes drier, thinner, and less elastic. Young, healthy-looking skin is more resilient and can spring back. It contains an abundance of a naturally hydrating substance called hyaluronic acid (HA). But as skin ages and your face expresses emotion (frowning, squinting, raising eyebrows, and even smiling), fine lines eventually deepen into wrinkles, creases, and folds. Other factors that hasten skin aging, and diminish the amount of HA, include smoking, sun exposure, dehydration, certain medications, and genetics. As your skin begins to lose structure and volume, unwanted facial wrinkles and folds appear.

  • How can I prevent wrinkling?

    Everyone gets wrinkles and lines that become more prominent over time, especially women. To stall wrinkle development, we recommend daily use of SPF 30 sunscreen (or higher), quitting smoking, and moisturizing regularly.

  • How do dermal fillers make them disappear?

    The injectable fillers we use at Masterpiece Aesthetics are a smooth gel made of hyaluronic acid, the same naturally occurring substance that’s present in youthful skin. It instantly restores skin volume and smooths away facial wrinkles and folds. The gel is injected just beneath the skin to fill problem areas, creating a natural, youthful look and feel.

  • What are the most common treatment areas for dermal fillers?

    The most commonly treated areas are the nasolabial folds or “parentheses,” vertical lip lines, corners of the mouth, marionette lines, and chin wrinkles.

  • Are the dermal filler injections painful?

    One of the injectable fillers we use at Masterpiece Aesthetics is Juvéderm XC, a formulation containing a local anethestic that promotes more comfort during and after treatment. Certain procedures may require injecting additional local anesthetic—a task that a gentle, skilled dentist, like Dr. Sudit, is able to accomplish without distress.

  • How long do dermal fillers last?

    Most injectable fillers provide temporary results, commonly lasting from a few months to about a year. 

  • What is the difference between neuromodulators and dermal fillers?

    Neuromodulators (such as Botox) relax muscles, and dermal fillers (such as Restylane) replace lost volume. Both injectable therapies help diminish folds and wrinkles, but in different ways. And that's why our first step at Masterpiece Aesthetics is to distinguish whether your wrinkles are due to overactive muscles, loss of volume caused by aging, or a combination of the two. 

  • How do neuromodulators rejuvenate facial features?

    Small doses of botulinum are injected into targeted muscles to block nerve signals and weaken muscle contractions. As a result, the surrounding skin smooths out, creating a relaxed, youthful look. By utilizing neuromodulators, you can quickly and vastly improve your appearance with minimal invasiveness, and these effects typically last for three to five months, depending on the area treated.

  • What are the cosmetic and therapeutic uses of neuromodulators?

    Besides facial rejuvenation, botulinum injections are used as a therapeutic for facial pain, "gummy" smile or high lip, clenching or grinding teeth, headaches, muscle spasms, stiffness, excessive sweating, and bladder issues.

  • What are the primary targets for facial neuromodulator injections?

    While there are 43 muscles in the human face, we only inject a fraction of them to relax specific muscles and eliminate wrinkles. Target areas include the forehead, around the eyes (crow's feet), around the lips (smoker lines and "gummy" smile), the neck, jowls, and eyebrows.