center for smile enhancement
center for smile enhancement
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Optimum Oral Health
and Beauty



At the Center for Smile Enhancement, we build trust and nurture comfort. And in our safe environment, we focus on every detail of our patients’ needs and desires. Even though the world has changed, our commitment to providing the finest dentistry and aesthetics is stronger than ever.

So come try our kind of dental healthcare. It’ll probably make you smile.

explore the possibilities



T h e t o t a l h e a l t h c o n n e c t i o n

Masterpiece Clinics


A harmonious blend of innovative and powerful treatments, along with personalized care and service, is the foundation of everything we do at the Center for Smile Enhancement and Masterpiece Clinics. We invite you to explore the possibilities and experience the best of dental healthcare, aesthetics, and total body comfort, inside and out.



For a fantastic journey within, just open your mouth. Looking inside, full-body health clues abound. From diabetes, anemia, autoimmune disease, and osteoporosis to stress, headaches, pain, and sleep issues—insightful dentists like Drs. Sudit and Stein see it all. Many people think dentistry is just about teeth, but it also opens the doors to many other healthcare specialties.



While your mouth displays an internal full-body health overview, the power of your smile makes an even bigger external impact. It's your personal masterpiece and focal point of the first impression you make on others, emanating your overall health, beauty, and confidence.



We believe the underlying key to being healthy and beautiful is feeling well-rested and at ease from head to toe. With a wide range of treatment modalities, we promote optimum sleep and freedom from chronic pain. You really can feel better than ever.


w e l c o m e t o

Enhanced Comfort
and Care

In 2001, Dr. Sudit graduated from the Disney Institute and has since infused the Disney spirit into The Center for Smile Enhancement. Walt Disney once said, “Give the people everything you can give them, keep it friendly, and make it a real fun place to be.” Understanding that a trip to a dental office was not exactly like a trip to the Magic Kingdom, Dr. Sudit’s mission was to make a dental visit a very close second. He and his staff spent the next year evaluating, developing, training, and internalizing many of the same service principles employed by Disney. And at the end of that year, Dr. Sudit took his entire cast of characters to Walt Disney World to experience the magic for themselves. Recognizing that exceptional service is an ongoing challenge, The Center for Smile Enhancement team meets monthly to discuss ways to create an even better patient experience. 

 So maybe you’re wondering if there’s a mouse in our house. The answer is, “Yes, many of them.” It’s a real fun place to be!

schedule an appointment and join us



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